Overall Neighborhood Transformation Outcomes
Implementing a Neighborhood Transformation Strategy to promote Digital Inclusion and close the Digital Divide requires a focus on key overall outcomes that can be augmented by whatever else are the priority issues for a particular neighborhood and/or jurisdiction. The following are the key overall outcomes for Neighborhood Transformation to support Digital Inclusion:
- Leadership: Establishment of an explicit leadership organization to drive outcomes that includes neighborhood participation.
- Digital Inclusion: Achievement of at least 80% broadband adoption (“input” to 5 Big Outcomes); a neighborhood or jurisdiction may set a higher goal. Note: “sustainable adoption” must address 3 primary challenges: cost; relevance; and digital literacy.
- Education Excellence: Successful implementation of School2Home with accelerated academic performance above district and statewide averages for cohort schools.
- Smart Infrastructure: Promotion of high-speed broadband infrastructure throughout the neighborhood with public facilities serving as “digital hubs” (digital “hot spots”).
- Services Integration and Resource Alignment to Achieve 5 Big Outcomes: Increasing Employment; Improving Education; Decreasing Crime; Decreasing Poverty; Improving Health