
Local Governments Digital Equity Best Practices Checklist Grant Application

Thank you very much for submitting your Best Practices Check List by the deadline last Friday, May 31.  We are very excited about all the enthusiasm related to the Best Practices Check List Project.  The Application for the $20,000 Grant to participate in the Best Practices Check List Learning Community in FY24-25 which is due by 5PM on Friday, June 28, 2024 to Alana O’Brien at Alana.obrien@cetfund.org.  Please download the Application as do a “Save As” with the name of your jurisdiction in the file name to ensure easier identification.  You can just answer the questions in to the Application form.  Your answers need not be long, but should concisely convey substance to be competitive.

Local Governments awarded the $20,000 Grant to participate in the Best Practices Digital Equity Learning Community will receive an Initial Grant Payment of $15,000 in August 2024.  The first Learning Community will be scheduled in September 2024.  Grantees are required to participate in all 3 Learning Communities.  Following attendance of the third Learning Community, you will be required to submit a post-Check List to report the adoption of any additional Best Practices along with a concise Final Report.  Upon receipt and acceptance by CETF of your post-Check List and Final Report, you shall receive a Final Grant Payment of $5,000 no later than May 2025.

You may use the Digital Equity Leadership Grant for any purpose within your Local Government to close the Digital Divide, promote Digital Inclusion, and achieve Digital Equity.  You will be asked to describe how you used or intend to use the Grant in the Final Report so that CETF can inventory and summarize impacts.  However, within these modest requirements, your Local Government will be able to determine how best to use the Grant to address your priority needs.

We strongly encourage you to apply for this Grant and look forward to future opportunities to work together.

Alana O’Brien
Vice President Operations

Sunne Wright McPeak
President and CEO
California Emerging Technology Fund

Local Government Best Practices
for Digital Equity
Grant Application for Learning Community
JUNE 28, 2024 – 5 PM