
Category: Media Coverage

California moves to adopt historic $6 billion broadband plan

After decades of advocacy and a pandemic year that forced schools to shift to online instruction, California is preparing to make its largest investment in expanding public broadband access to date. Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers announced their plans for how to spend the […]

Chromebooks Reduce Disparity in Technology

Resources for Indian Student Education, Inc. (RISE) completed a two-month process to determine need and present computer laptops from Frontier Communica­tions as educational resource gifts to Native students. Grantmaking by CETF (California Emerging Tech­nology Fund) strives to institutionalize digital inclusion by expanding telehealth and distance […]

Pandemic Pushes Californians to Embrace Telehealth

Slightly more than half (51%) of Californians went virtual for their healthcare during the pandemic, using either a telephone, smartphone or computer, a new survey finds. And those new habits will likely continue when the coronavirus pandemic wanes and the public health emergency is lifted, […]