NOTE: This pilot concluded in 2021. On September 30, 2023 CETF transitioned the management of the San José Digital Inclusion Partnership back to the City of San José. For current San José programs visit SJ Access: SAN JOSÉ, CA — Today San José Mayor […]
Category: Media Coverage
After decades of advocacy and a pandemic year that forced schools to shift to online instruction, California is preparing to make its largest investment in expanding public broadband access to date. Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers announced their plans for how to spend the […]
La pandemia nos está enseñando importantes lecciones y ha expuesto inequidades notrias. Entre ellas, la gran cantidad de horgares que no cuentancon acceso confiable a Internet.
Resources for Indian Student Education, Inc. (RISE) completed a two-month process to determine need and present computer laptops from Frontier Communications as educational resource gifts to Native students. Grantmaking by CETF (California Emerging Technology Fund) strives to institutionalize digital inclusion by expanding telehealth and distance […]
What would you give up for a reliable internet connection? A heated room? An ergonomically correct chair? A perfectly positioned monitor? It’s a tough decision and one that 2.1 million Californians have to make each day. Yes, even here in Silicon Valley, where the internet […]
Despite push, hundreds of thousands of students still don’t have computers at home For the first time ever, the vast majority of California families say their kids have personal computing devices that they can use for school. But even after a year of distance […]
Slightly more than half (51%) of Californians went virtual for their healthcare during the pandemic, using either a telephone, smartphone or computer, a new survey finds. And those new habits will likely continue when the coronavirus pandemic wanes and the public health emergency is lifted, […]
It only took a global pandemic, a year spent working and studying at home and a once-in-a-generation spending blitz from the federal government, but 2021 might be the year that California finally goes big on broadband. Expanding internet access has long been a cause that […]
Residents can now check out HP Chromebooks and iPads from the San Jose Public Library. The extension of the library’s tech device lending options is through the city’s SJ Access initiative, which seeks to provide residents with equitable access to all things digital, library officials […]
While many K-12 students have adapted to online learning, a USC study finds that some families have had trouble accessing devices or reliable internet connections, especially Hispanics who primarily speak Spanish. Access to devices, broadband connectivity and parental engagement are the strongest predictors of online […]