
Category: Media Coverage

San José $24M Fund for Closing the Digital Divide

On Tuesday, the City Council voted to create the San José Digital Inclusion Fund. Once up and running, the $24 million initiative will be the largest of its kind in the country and would be aimed at bridging the city's digital divide. Over 10 years, [...]

San José Digital Inclusion Fund to Close the Digital Divide

Mayor Sam Liccardo Embargoed: February 12, 2019 Contact: Ahmad Chapman, Office of Mayor Liccardo; 408-535-4857or ahmad.chapman@sanjoseca.gov Stephanie Craig, Mayor's Office of Technology & Innovation; 202-329-7545 or Stephanie.craig@apeironstrategy.com San José Launches Digital Inclusion Fund to Close the Digital Divide San José, Calif. -Mayor Sam Liccardo today announced that the City [...]

New San José Fund to Bring Internet to 1000s of Off-Line Homes

The city will partner with the nonprofit California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) to manage the $24 million initiative, which will be funded by the small cell usage fees telecommunications companies pay. "Digital inclusion is a 21st century civil right," said Sunne Wright McPeak, the president [...]

New San José Announces Fund to Connect 50,000 Households

While $2.2 million per year is insufficient, it will be seed money that Sunne McPeak believes will prime the pump to get foundations, grants, and corporate donations flowing into the Digital Inclusion Fund to help prepare young people for careers in computer science and related [...]

The Digital Divide is Wider Than We Think

Over all, Microsoft concluded that 162.8 million people do not use the internet at broadband speeds, while the F.C.C. says broadband is not available to 24.7 million Americans. The discrepancy is particularly stark in rural areas. In Ferry County, for example, Microsoft estimates that only [...]

The Digital Divide Is Wider Than We Think

Over all, Microsoft concluded that 162.8 million people do not use the internet at broadband speeds, while the F.C.C. says broadband is not available to 24.7 million Americans. The discrepancy is particularly stark in rural areas.