
Category: Media Coverage

RCRC Provides Foster Youth with Laptops

Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) and National Homebuyers Fund, Inc. (NHF) have joined forces to contribute $400,000 to provide an iFoster laptop computer to all eligible foster youth and former foster youth aged 16-21 within RCRC's 35 member counties. Read More>>>

Broadband as Essential Infrastructure

According to a California Emerging Technology Fund report, broadband is a green strategy. Whereas, access to broadband reduces vehicle miles traveled, lowers need for office-space construction conserving energy, and calms circulation congestion while increasing online shopping, all which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.1 [...]

Support the Broadband Effort

My hope is that Lake County Broadband Solutions, as outlined in the July 8, 2017 RB article, will be up and running in my area soon with unmetered Internet access. Pending that I urge all residents of Lake County to support the Internet For All [...]

Addressing the Digital Divide in California

Just ask anyone in the foothills if they have trouble getting a phone signal or finding an internet provider. There's a good chance you'll have to do it in person ... they won't be able to take your call or get your email or text. [...]