Category: Media Coverage
Qualifying Americans would receive a $9.25 monthly subsidy for broadband Internet - which, advocates hope, would cut the cost to consumers to about $10 to $20 per month. Read More>>>
This week, the Federal Communications Commission will debate whether to expand the agency's Lifeline program, which was created in 1985 to offer low-income Americans with subsidies for telephone service. If approved, the expansion would allow low-income people to use Lifeline subsidies for Internet service. Read [...]
"Charter is not just buying a big new service area - they are buying the digital divide," said Sunne Wright McPeak, president and chief executive of the nonprofit California Emerging Technology Fund, which is working to bring computers and affordable Internet connections to more California [...]
In a commentary written before the FCC's announcement, California Emerging Technology Fund President and CEO Sunne Wright McPeak called on the FCC to act. She wrote that 20 percent of households don't have access and that this is a singular moment in time to meet [...]
Broadband infrastructure improvement projects are at risk of being cut if a state assemblyman's legislation doesn't move forward. Assembly Bill 1758, named the "Internet for All Now Act" by Assemblyman Mark Stone, D-Monterey Bay, would amend legislation governing the California Advanced Services Fund for telecommunications. [...]
Rarely is there a moment in time when just five people hold in their hands the destiny of millions, but such is the case for the Federal Communications Commission. In the next few weeks, the five commissioners will decide on a Broadband Lifeline Program and [...]
Rarely is there a moment in time when just five people hold in their hands the destiny of millions, but such is the case for the Federal Communications Commission. In the next few weeks, the five commissioners will decide on a Broadband Lifeline Program and [...]
California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]
Charter Communications and its merger partners heard plenty of praise — mostly for its diversity goals — but also pointed critiques over its plans to operate in California during a crowded public hearing Tuesday night before an administrative law judge with the California Public Utilities [...]
La campaña para que las comunidades en desventaja puedan tener acceso veloz al internet está cobrando fuerza, y ahora cuenta con el apoyo de la Junta de Supervisores de Los Ángeles. Los cinco supervisores votaron unánimemente para apoyar la campaña del Fondo de Tecnologías Emergentes [...]