
Category: Media Coverage

U.S. Broadband Adoption Goal Remains Elusive

Sunne Wright McPeak, president of the California Emerging Technology Fund, told lawmakers that the urban poor predominantly lack broadband access and said policymakers “will not achieve adoption into low income areas without a broadband Lifeline program.” Read More>>>

Sunne Wright McPeak Testifies at Senate Hearing

Sunne Wright McPeak, California Emerging Technology Fund President and CEO, delivered testimony today to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet for its hearing titled "Broadband Adoption: The Next Mile".  She called for focused efforts on integrating broadband adoption across the spectrum [...]

Local Officials Discuss Broadband Adoption

Local elected officials from around California joined the California Emerging Technology Fund, California State Association of Counties and other sponsors to discuss how to increase broadband development and adoption. "The message from this meeting is that local officials are marshaling their political will and skills [...]

People with Disabilities Targeted by CETF Grant

CETF and California Foundation for Independent Living Centers are forming a statewide partnership to connect people with disabilities to affordable broadband at home. CETF is investing $260,000 in the "Digital Access" initiative to provide access to high-speed Internet, low-cost computing devices, and Digital Literacy training. [...]

New Partnership to Move People with Disabilities into the Digital Age

New Partnership to Move People with Disabilities into the Digital Age The California Emerging Technology Fund and California Foundation for Independent Living Centers are launching a new statewide partnership to help improve the lives of Californians with disabilities by providing access to affordable Internet service [...]

Governor Signs Bills to Expand Broadband in California

Governor Signs Bills to Expand Broadband in California Broadband advocates are celebrating after Gov. Jerry Brown yesterday signed two bills - Senate Bill (SB) 740 (Padilla-D, Pacoima) and Assembly Bill (AB) 1299 (Bradford-D, Gardena) - that will bring more broadband access to rural Californians and [...]

SB740 California Broadband Deployment Approved by Assembly

SB740 California Broadband Deployment to Un-served Areas Approved by Assembly Today, Calif. Senate Bill 740 by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) was approved by the State Assembly. The legislation would authorize the California Public Utilities Commission to award broadband infrastructure grants and loans to entities that [...]

California Bills Tackle Digital Divide

One of the leaders in the movement to close the digital divide is Sunne Wright McPeak, president and CEO of the California Emerging Technology Fund. She praised Padilla and Bradford for their legislation. “The most vulnerable Californians are further disadvantaged if they do not have [...]

Assembly, Senate Bills Chisel Away at Digital Divide

“A digital divide exists between those who can access these resources and those who can’t,” said Bradford. “AB 1299 recognizes that bridging the digital divide requires new public policy that encourages investment in deployment and adoption of broadband technology in publicly subsidized affordable housing developments. [...]

Legislature Should Pass Critical Broadband Bill

SB 740, awaiting approval by the state Legislature, will help bridge this health care Digital Divide by supporting broadband deployment in rural areas to expand telehealth opportunities. AB 1299 will benefit the state’s public housing residents by helping them obtain affordable broadband at home, and [...]