
Category: Media Coverage

Report Highlights Problems with Broadband Mapping in Rural Areas

The Broadband Alliance of Mendocino County and Access Sonoma Broadband called the report a "watershed finding" that substantiates work done over the past two years by the two county organizations. Working collaboratively, Mendocino and Sonoma counties have developed credible information showing that the broadband maps [...]

Pros and Cons of iPads in Schools

The decision by the Los Angeles Unified School District to provide its 660,000 students with tablet computers is a step in the right direction. As the head of a nonprofit funder that provides computers and training to parents and teachers in three LAUSD schools, I [...]

California Bills Propose Expanding State Broadband Fund

California may change how it subsidizes broadband deployment and adoption in several ways, under legislation on the table this session. Senate Bill 740 and Assembly Bill 1299 seek to expand how California grants broadband subsidies - one focusing on expanding how hundreds of millions of [...]

Central Valley Focus of New Digital Literacy Campaign

Though broadband Internet adoption has increased throughout California in the past decade, certain communities have still lagged behind: low-income, Latino, and rural households in particular.  In an effort to reach these communities, the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) announced last week that is launching a [...]

Alumna Leads USC Government Relations

Former California state Sen. Martha Escutia's eyes welled up with tears recently as she remembered one of her last nights as a USC undergraduate studying public policy in 1979. Escutia, a self-described "scholarship kid from East LA," had a full-tuition scholarship to study law at [...]

National Non-Profit Partners with California Organizations

Washington D.C. based non-profit organization Connect2Compete (C2C) is partnering with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and the Youth Policy Institute (YPI) to increase broadband adoption and digital literacy in California, the three organizations jointly announced today. Read More>>>

Viewpoints: Broadband Internet Connection for all Residents is Essential

For California to remain a beacon of innovation, equality and economic vitality, all residents should have access to affordable high-speed Internet connections wherever they live. Unfortunately, many of the state's rural areas are not adequately served, limiting important services such as telemedicine, remote learning and [...]