Category: Media Coverage
Admittedly playing a game of catch-up to similarly sized cities that already enjoy wireless technology in public spaces, officials are moving to get the city connected, including the debut of free high-speed wireless access in the Council Chambers and other public areas in City Hall. [...]
In an effort to help encourage citizens of the City of San Bernardino to narrow the “Digital Divide,” referring to the gap between individuals at different socio-economic levels and their opportunity to utilize high speed internet access and other technology, City Council announced its partnership, [...]
If you are reading ths, you have access to the internet. That places you among the large majority of Californian’s who go online regularly through a home, work or school computer, their cell phone or with a library computer. Most likely, you have access through [...]
Rural health-care providers will soon have their own broadband network for the practice of telemedicine in California, according to Christine Martin, executive director of the California Telemedicine & eHealth Center (CTEC). Read More>>>
TODAY, MOST people take having a computer and access to the Internet for granted. Public school teachers give out homework that their students' cannot possibly complete without a home computer. Students whose parents' can't afford a PC or the monthly cost of Internet service have [...]
Making high-speed Internet available to low-income households is the aim of a citywide effort that launches Thursday, officials announced. The Get Connected Oakland! initiative has scheduled its official launch Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Oakland Housing Authority, 935 Union St. Mayor Jean Quan, Alameda [...]
California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]
Knowing how to use a computer and surf the Internet can be critical skills for families, Family Connections Program Coordinator Mark Peres said. Computer use and familiarity can help with education, obtaining jobs and even bring families closer together, said Sunne Wright McPeak, California's Emerging [...]
A growing patient population, a shrinking doctor pool. This is not an ideal set of circumstances, but it is reality for the dialysis industry. Could telemedicine be part of the solution? According to leaders at the Federal Communications Commission, possibly. On July 15, 2010, the [...]
The federal government turned down San Francisco’s application for $15 million in stimulus money that would have allowed the city to lay out its fiber network, making it cheaper to provide broadband connection to libraries and community centers. The City has been planning to become [...]