
Category: Media Coverage

$30M Effort to Launch California Telehealth Network

California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]

Statewide California Telehealth Network Launches

"We're proud to be a partner in the effort to build a robust statewide network that will bring specialized health and medical care to underserved communities, both rural and urban," said Sunne Wright McPeak, President and CEO, California Emerging Fund. "By bringing broadband capacity to [...]

California Calls for Digital Literacy in Report and Action Plan

In response to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Executive Order S-06-09 issued last May calling for the advancement of digital literacy in California, the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Digital Literacy Leadership Council has released a formal definition of digital literacy and a strategic plan for advancing […]

Internet Access – a Right or a Privilege?

There's a growing debate over whether the Internet is a public tool, or the domain of private enterprise for generating profit. Monday, President Obama signed a memo committing the government to expanding broadband access. Read More>>>

Supervisors Support Effort to Expand Broadband

Over the past year, several Internet service providers have asked the county for support letters to pursue stimulus funds to expand broadband service into the county's unserved, and underserved, areas, Logsdon explained, noting that such areas exist in every supervisorial district in the county. She [...]

Telemedicine Struggles in Central Valley Amid Hope, Hardship

Those wading into telemedicine are watching developments such as a proposed rule by CMS that would create a more streamlined credentialing and privileging process for physicians and practitioners providing telemedicine services. The rule was published in the May 26 Federal Register with a 60-day comment [...]

High-Speed Internet Use, Need Varies

Rural pockets of Northern California are not hot-beds of Internet use, nor do they want to be, according to a federally funded study recently released. A surprising number of respondents to a survey are sure they can live without the Internet, and aren't very interested [...]

Los Angeles “Connects” at Resource Fair

"Get Connected" Community Fair draws thousands of visitors.  More than 17,000 people decided to “Get Connected” on April 24, 2010, in Los Angeles, at a community fair sponsored by the Red Shield Youth and Community Center (Red Shield) and the Koreatown neighborhood. Looking for a [...]