
Category: Media Coverage

State’s ‘Digital Divide’ Persists

In Computer, Net Usage, Income a Factor "The digital divide really is a manifestation of the economic divide," Sunne Wright McPeak, president  and chief executive of the California Emerging Technology Fund, said during a discussion of the survey held at Joint Venture Silicon Valley. Read [...]

Struggling To Make Broadband Broadly Available

Last September, Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties embarked on a regional broadband project, managed by HSU and funded by a variety of sources, including the California Emerging Technology Fund, Humboldt Area Foundation, McLean Foundation, RREDC and the Headwaters Fund. Read More>>>

Latinos Lagging Far Behind in Internet Use, Report Says

While most Californians use the Internet to shop, job hunt and get informed, one racial group is sorely lagging when it comes to the digital revolution, according to a report released Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California. Read More>>>

State’s Digital Divide Widens Even as More Citizens Log On

While the number of Californians who log on to the Internet has increased since 2000 from 65 to 70 percent, a statewide survey conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California indicates there is a widening digital divide based on ethnicity, demographics and income. Read [...]

Latinos Fall Behind Growing Digital Divide

More and more Californians are shopping, chatting, reading news and finding critical health, employment and government information online, but a report published today says Latinos and lowincome residents are falling behind, widening the digital divide. Read More>>>

Broad Coalition Backs Universal Broadband

California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]

Study Says Digital Divide Widens in California

California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]