
Category: Media Coverage

HSU Internet Project Wins Education Award

The state agency that oversees Internet resources for higher education has awarded a Humboldt State University broadband program for its achievements. Redwood Coast Connect, a pilot project partnered by HSU to spur high speed broadband service in the four-county region, will be honored for "Innovations [...]

Internet Access Still a Wish for Many in Rural Areas

Millions of Americans in sparsely populated areas deemed unprofitable by large communications companies remain without broadband Internet access. Fred Pilot lives within earshot of busy Highway 50.  Proximity to a modern roadway, however, hasn't helped him gain the kind of cheap Internet access that most [...]

Major Grants to the Southeast Cities to Close the Digital Divide

A Three-Year Project Will Help Approximately 3,200 Residents of Los Angeles County's Southeast Cities Get Ahead with High-Speed Broadband Internet Access and Education The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and the City of Vernon today presented grant awards of $476,000 and $301,000 respectively to the [...]

U.S. Lags Other Countries

In the ethereal world of high speed internet, a lust for more speed has blanketed most of the planet, with incremental leaps so dazzling as to confuse many users with the terminology. The Federal Communications Commission, 12 years ago, defined "high speed" as 200 Kilobits [...]

Broadband Initiative For Hispanic Business Owners Announced

CALIFORNIA HISPANIC CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ANNOUNCES HISPANIC BUSINESS BROADBAND INITIATIVE The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CHCC) in collaboration with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) has taken on the mission to close the digital divide among minority businesses and underserved communities in California. "If [...]

Firebaugh, San Joaquin, Mendota will share $633,000 tech grant

Funds will provide residents with Web-based learning. A new technology grant will benefit three west-side communities by opening up a new world of opportunities, officials said Tuesday.  The $633,000 grant will enable residents in Firebaugh, Mendota and San Joaquin to take vocational, citizenship, computer literacy [...]

State’s ‘Digital Divide’ Persists

In Computer, Net Usage, Income a Factor "The digital divide really is a manifestation of the economic divide," Sunne Wright McPeak, president  and chief executive of the California Emerging Technology Fund, said during a discussion of the survey held at Joint Venture Silicon Valley. Read [...]

Struggling To Make Broadband Broadly Available

Last September, Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties embarked on a regional broadband project, managed by HSU and funded by a variety of sources, including the California Emerging Technology Fund, Humboldt Area Foundation, McLean Foundation, RREDC and the Headwaters Fund. Read More>>>