
Category: Media Coverage

Communications Grant on Agenda For Supervisors

Inmate telephone services for the Calaveras County Jail, and a fivecounty effort to make broadband service available to remote areas, will be considered Tuesday by the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors. Read More>>>

Internet Project Surveys Public Needs

Redwood Coast Connect, the pilot project led by Humboldt State University for regional Internet access, is conducting a telephone survey this month of residents of Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties. Project officials are encouraging the public to take a few minutes to answer [...]

Broadband Planning Regional Meeting

Yesterday, Bob Ingalls and I attended the second planning meeting for an ambitious project, currently called Central Sierra Connect. It is being spearheaded by the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (A-TCAA), with funding from the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF). Although the project is in its [...]

U.S. Not Up To Speed On Broadband

The federal government's latest annual report on the availability of high-speed Internet service throughout the country contains 19 pages of detailed data -- pie charts, bar graphs, maps and column upon column of numbers and percentages. Most of them are useless. The Federal Communications Commission [...]

Rural Health Care Gets a Boost

California’s underserved rural health care infrastructure got a boost from the Federal Communications Commission Wednesday with a three-year, $22 million award to help develop a new California Telehealth Network. The University of California Office of the President, together with the UC Davis Health System, will [...]

Rural Medicine Goes High-Tech

California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]

Global Perspective on Digital Literacy at California Leadership Roundtable

Certiport, the pioneer in industry certifications, today announced its participation in the ICT Digital Literacy Leadership Roundtable (Nov. 16), which is charged with developing a framework for California policy makers to build assessment and verification of information and communications technology (ICT) skills into requirements for [...]

A Big Day for Broadband

Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity and Mendocino counties are the focus of a pilot project to map the digital divide. the project, funded by the state and local donors, is intended to "lay the foundation" to bring broadband infrastructure to rural areas of the state. Read [...]