Exemplary Individual Performance Awardee
School2Home Coordinator, Technology Coach
Pamela Stiles has been a dedicated leader in her position as Coordinator of the CETF School2Home Pilot Program at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School. Located in the historically underserved Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, the students of Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School have not had access to the same level of opportunity as most typical middle school students. Thanks to her great work and the School2Home program, Pamela has been able to address this inequity directly. Pamela has been providing Digital Literacy workshops and orientations on the benefits of connecting students, teachers and parents to broadband, thereby providing access to opportunities otherwise out of reach.
Pamela has achieved 95% family participation in trainings and increased the percentage of the 2,000 student population that have home computers from 35% to 95%. Also, measured from the time Pamela and School2Home started at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School, many related aspects on student improvement have occurred: attendance rates are highest in the school district at 96%, classroom suspension has dropped from 361 to 40 per year, and API scores have increased 33 points.
The impact of Pamela’s work with School2Home at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School is remarkable. With the dramatic increases in positive development at the schools, Pamela truly captures the essence of closing the Digital Divide.
Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School