Access Broadband Connect (ABC) Grants
Digital Access Project – ABC
This Access, Broadband, Connect Grant supports United Ways of California (UWCA) to promote statewide access to affordable home Internet across the state to help meet the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) overall goal of 500,000 adoptions by 2022. The $360,000 grant awarded in January 2018 is to achieve 3,000 adoptions. UWCA, through its United Way members, is integrating affordable Internet information with many programs, including partnerships with the California Census, schools and school districts, financial stability programs, such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites, and health coverage outreach.
Institutionalization of Digital Inclusion
Census Outreach
This Grant supports the participation of United Ways of California (UWCA) in the partnership between California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and Frontier Communications, Inc. to increase awareness and adoptions to help meet the CETF program goal of 50,000 adoptions by 2021. The $150,000 grant awarded in July 2016 is designed to achieve 2,500 adoptions. UWCA, through United Way organizations throughout California, is integrating affordable Internet information with many programs, including partnerships with the California Census, schools and school districts, financial stability programs, such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites, and health coverage outreach.
Institutionalization of Digital Inclusion
Energy Utility Outreach
This Grant supported the United Ways of California to encourage the utility companies support for sending information to customers enrolled in the energy programs for low-income households about affordable home Internet offers. The $25,000 grant, awarded in August 2019 and concluded in June 2020, sought to gain support from the utilities, which have the most accurate and comprehensive lists of low-income households. The CETF-sponsored Statewide Broadband Adoption Survey highlights how residents without Internet access at home suffer economic and educational harm, and achieve less success than their lives.