
Media Coverage

Support the Broadband Effort

Media Coverage

My hope is that Lake County Broadband Solutions, as outlined in the July 8, 2017 RB article, will be up and running in my area soon with unmetered Internet access. Pending that I urge all residents of Lake County to support the Internet For All [...]
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A Cerrar La Brecha Digital Latina

Media Coverage

Estos no son días bipartidistas. Nunca antes los demócratas y los republicanos habían estado tan en desacuerdo, tan en conflicto. Pero California está viendo una excepción. El proyecto de ley de Internet para Todos Ahora,un proyecto bipartidista que cerrará la brecha digital en California, está [...]
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Data: Broadband Adoption in California, 2016

Media Coverage

Despite being home to Silicon Valley, California has many people who are underserved when it comes to broadband, according to the authors of a bill (AB 1665) that would use California Advanced Services Fund money to deliver broadband to the large swaths of the state [...]
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