
Media Coverage

Learning any Time, any Place, at any Pace

Media Coverage

California has reached 97 percent broadband deployment and could hit its statutory target of 98 percent by the end of 2015. Although broadband service is available, not all residents are able to afford it. For residents of small communities and older neighborhoods with clunky broadband [...]
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Computer Truck Lab Unveiled; First Stop is Greenfield

Media Coverage

A mobile classroom aimed at providing free computer and digital training to underserved members of communities in Monterey County was unveiled today. It's part of Community Connection, a program of the Central Coast Broadband Consortium Public Computing Alliance, and is funded from a $3.9 million [...]
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Valley Closing Digital Divide

Media Coverage

The Central Valley can claim many contributions to California's well being. The successful effort to close the Digital Divide is one we proudly can add. The Public Policy Institute of California just released the fifth annual Statewide Survey: Californians and Information Technology, which tracks Internet [...]
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Tecnología en la Educación

Media Coverage

Las computadoras y el internet usados adecuadamente juegan un papel importante en el éxito escolar "Con todas las posibilidades que el internet proporciona para alumnos y familias, es muy importante que los padres consideren suscribirse a una conexión de banda ancha, si es que aún [...]
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Brecha Digital y Brecha Generacional

Media Coverage

Si bien Juárez está iniciando su aprendizaje sobre tecnología, sus cuatro hijos dependen de ella. Por ahora se han arreglado usando la computadora de la escuela o la biblioteca local, hasta que la familia pueda comprar una nueva. La tecnología ha creado una brecha generacional [...]
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Even within Families, a Digital Divide

Media Coverage

Although Juárez is a newcomer to technology, her four children depend on it. For now, using a computer at school or the local library has to suffice until the family can afford a new one. Technology has created a generation gap in Boyle Heights. Many [...]
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Computer Lab Truck Hits Internet Highway

Media Coverage

For those lacking computer and Web skills, the so-called Internet Divide can be daunting. But help exists and will be rolled out next month when a mobile digital classroom called the TechMobile travels around the Salinas Valley. It’s to help the underserved in rural areas [...]
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