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加州爭取10億撥款 實現全州高速上網

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加州已準備就緒爭取多達10億元聯邦振興經濟撥款,來將接駁互聯網與否這「數碼鴻溝」距離拉近。監管推動寬頻上網非牟利機構「加州新興技術基金」(CETF)總裁兼首席執行長Sunne Wright McPeak表示,不論是醫療保健、教育、或生活上其他環節,寬頻高速上網都是不可或缺。
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California Seeks $1 Billion for Broadband

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The Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday that 45 percent of California residents lack broadband connections in their homes because of geography, disabilities, poor English language skills or poverty. Proponents of the plan say the money will help close the digital divide in the nation's most populous [...]
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Sagging Economy Needs a Broadband Face Lift

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Broadband is widely viewed as an enabling technology that will eventually change the way Americans live and work. The Redwood Coast Connect (RCC) report touts that it can provide an economic catalyst for rural communities by allowing them to work from remote locations, but allowing [...]
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HSU Internet Project Wins Education Award

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The state agency that oversees Internet resources for higher education has awarded a Humboldt State University broadband program for its achievements. Redwood Coast Connect, a pilot project partnered by HSU to spur high speed broadband service in the four-county region, will be honored for "Innovations [...]
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Internet Access Still a Wish for Many in Rural Areas

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Millions of Americans in sparsely populated areas deemed unprofitable by large communications companies remain without broadband Internet access. Fred Pilot lives within earshot of busy Highway 50.  Proximity to a modern roadway, however, hasn't helped him gain the kind of cheap Internet access that most [...]
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U.S. Lags Other Countries

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In the ethereal world of high speed internet, a lust for more speed has blanketed most of the planet, with incremental leaps so dazzling as to confuse many users with the terminology. The Federal Communications Commission, 12 years ago, defined "high speed" as 200 Kilobits [...]
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Broadband Initiative For Hispanic Business Owners Announced

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CALIFORNIA HISPANIC CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ANNOUNCES HISPANIC BUSINESS BROADBAND INITIATIVE The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CHCC) in collaboration with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) has taken on the mission to close the digital divide among minority businesses and underserved communities in California. "If [...]
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