
On Earth Day Learn Why Broadband Is A Vital Green Strategy

Happy Earth Day!  We are pleased to bring you the latest headlines from California Emerging Technology Fund.  We have several exciting developments to share, which underscore the progress we are making to close the Digital Divide in California.  In the past month, we have released two sets of results from the Statewide Survey on Broadband Adoption, conducted in partnership with the University of Southern California.  See media coverage on the right that highlights why broadband is a vital green strategy for California.  We are also introducing a timely Resource Guide to help policymakers plan and make new strategic investments so all Californians have access to affordable high-speed Internet, devices and digital skills training.

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Broadband Is Vital “Green Strategy” For California

New habits formed during the pandemic are presenting California with a unique opportunity to invest in broadband deployment and adoption programs to help the state achieve its goal of cutting carbon emissions. The survey found 55% of workers with access to broadband have been working fully or partly at home during the pandemic, and a large majority of those workers are planning to continue a similar pattern in the future, which could result in a 55% reduction in commute trips.  See the results.

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