Cellular companies will begin the 3G-to-5G technology transition in a few weeks. To make room for the powerful bandwidth and infrastructure required for the 5G spectrum, the 3G network will be completely disabled, leaving enterprise customers and individuals, who rely on devices powered by 3G, […]
Category: CETF Reports
Caltrans Sustainable Communities Grant to SCAG Transportation Broadband Strategies to Reduce VMT and GHG Study The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) awarded a Sustainable Communities Grant to the Southern California Association (SCAG) to study and assess the relationship between ubiquitous availability of broadband to all […]
Key Question: What can the Valley’s four public universities do to improve broadband infrastructure (access) and adoption, as well as digital inclusion, in the Valley, particularly in rural and urban underserved areas?
Introduction The Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation (IVEDC) formed the Southern Border Broadband Consortium (SBBC) utilizing an initiative from the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) along with representatives from all economic sectors to help improve the availability and adoption of affordable broadband technology among “disconnected” […]
Introduction The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) sponsored AB1665, The Internet For All Now Act of 2017 which established in statute the goal to achieve 98% broadband deployment in each region of California. AB1665 also assigned the responsibility to achieve the 98% deployment goal to […]
Introduction In the digital age, fast and reliable internet is indispensable to equity and economic development. Without it, community members are barred from full access to basic services, job opportunities, and other tools and paths for improving quality of life. Valley Vision, in partnership with […]
CENIC is a 501(c)(3) with the mission to advance education and research statewide by providing the world-class network essential for innovation, collaboration, and economic growth.
Synopsis The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) sponsored and advocated for the passage of the Internet For All Now Act of 2017 (AB 1665). The legislation established the goal of achieving 98% broadband deployment in each region of California and assigned the responsibility of the […]
Nevada County is a leader for advancing the deployment of high-speed Internet infrastructure, generically referred to as “broadband” which includes both wireline and wireless networks and technologies. The Nevada County Board of Supervisors is a champion for accelerating broadband deployment to ensure and enhance public […]
The purpose of this Memorandum is to report to the California Department of Technology and the California Broadband Council on the progress to date in implementing the Governor’s Broadband For All Executive Order (August 14, 2020) and the Broadband For All Action Plan (December 30, […]