Local governments have long pioneered efforts to expand broadband availability and competition; for more than a decade, they have tested public projects and public– private partnerships to deliver new broadband services. As they look to the future, localities that choose not to build their own networks can facilitate private investment in gigabit-speed networks by optimizing local processes at key touchpoints that impact deployment times and costs.
The key ingredient for private investment in gigabit deployment is true partnership. It is not enough for the locality to undertake all these steps if there is no willing and able private partner—one that is committed to building next-generation infrastructure rather than simply reducing costs on existing legacy networks.
The strategies that local governments can pursue to advance private broadband deployment fall into three general categories: (1) facilitating access to key assets such as fiber, conduit, utility poles, and real estate; (2) making useful information available; and (3) streamlining and publicizing essential local processes