
Archives: Reports

Wired For Wireless

Wired For Wireless?  Towards Digital Inclusion and Next Generation Government-Led Wireless Networks A Summary Report of the Wireless Comparative Analysis and Best Practices Education Project by Richard Chabran, California Community Technology Policy Group Oscar E. Cruz and Linda Fowells, Community Partners Allen Hammond, BroadBand Institute […]

Home Broadband Adoption 2009 PEW

Home Broadband Adoption 2009 Jun 17, 2009  John Horrigan An April 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project shows 63% of adult Americans now have broadband internet connections at home, a 15% increases from a year earlier. April’s level of […]

State Broadband Initiatives

A Joint Report of The Alliance for Public Technology and the Communications Workers of America State Broadband Initiatives – Laboratories of Innovation Access to affordable, high-speed Internet is absolutely essential in today’s society.  Advanced  communications networks are vital to a region’s economic growth and job […]

Economic Impacts of Broadband

Broadband has been increasingly recognized as a service of general economic interest in recent years.1 Broadband’s economic significance can be put into context by referring to similar changes in other areas of infrastructure, such as road, rail, and electricity.  Each of these infrastructure services transforms […]

Home Broadband Adoption 2008 PEW

Home Broadband 2008 by John Horrigan Some 55% of all adult Americans now have a high-speed internet connection at home. The percentage of Americans with broadband at home has grown from 47% in early 2007. Poorer Americans saw no growth in broadband adoption in the […]

Explaining International Broadband Leadership

It is hard to follow broadband telecommunications policy without hearing almost weekly that the United States ranks 15th out of 30 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations in broadband adoption.  But it is much less apparent why the United States is behind. Indeed, […]


A Community and Technology Needs Assessment of the Southeast Los Angeles Region (SELA) This report provides a framework for understanding the range and intensity of the digital divide problem in a cluster of Southeast Los Angeles cities. It also offers a roadmap for the Southeast […]