NOTE: On September 30, 2023 CETF transitioned the management of the San José Digital Inclusion Partnership back to the City of San José. For current San José programs visit SJ Access:
Archives: Reports
If the federal government’s investments in broadband connectivity are to be effective, different programmatic pieces must work together. Broadband infrastructure funds are necessary to ensuring universal access, but not sufficient to achieve full digital equity. Equitable broadband adoption depends on people having the financial means […]
The Affordable Connectivity Program represents an inflection point for Lifeline and universal service. Prior to the pandemic, the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline program supported mainly wireless communication services for low-income households; its $9.25/month subsidy resulting in service plans that restricted voice and data usage. To […]
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) – Background 2022 Federal Broadband Funding Opportunities Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Infrastructure Adoption American Rescue Plan Act
Cellular companies will begin the 3G-to-5G technology transition in a few weeks. To make room for the powerful bandwidth and infrastructure required for the 5G spectrum, the 3G network will be completely disabled, leaving enterprise customers and individuals, who rely on devices powered by 3G, […]
In December 2020, Congress set aside $3.2B for an emergency subsidy program to help low-income households pay for broadband during the Covid-19 pandemic. Launched in May 2021, the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) offered a subsidy of up to $50 per month to qualifying households, increasing […]
The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to closing the digital divide in the United States. Millions of Americans lack access to the infrastructure, skills, or tools needed to take full advantage of broadband and maximize the benefits that it offers for communities. Passed as part of […]
Caltrans Sustainable Communities Grant to SCAG Transportation Broadband Strategies to Reduce VMT and GHG Study The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) awarded a Sustainable Communities Grant to the Southern California Association (SCAG) to study and assess the relationship between ubiquitous availability of broadband to all […]
The First in a 3-Part Series on Digital Connectivity During the Pandemic A National Survey of Low and Lower-Middle Income Households The COVID-19 pandemic raised awareness of the struggles that low-income households have in paying for basic needs. The Pew Research Center found that the […]
GoDaddy Venture Forward Our goal is to empower policymakers and economic developers with the data and insight they need to better assist the microbusinesses in their communities and the everyday entrepreneurs behind them. This report covers 2021 numbers, new research findings with UCLA Anderson Forecast […]