NOTE: This COVID-19 emergency response concluded in 2021. On September 30, 2023 CETF transitioned the management of the San José Digital Inclusion Partnership back to the City of San José. For current San José programs visit SJ Access: As a result of the COVID-19 […]
Archives: Reports
A Broadband Deployment and Adoption Resource Guide For Local and Regional Government Leaders The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) is honored to partner with Valley Vision on behalf of the Connected Capital Area Broadband Consortium to update and distribute this Resource Guide for Local and […]
The coronavirus pandemic has shined a spotlight on equity issues in communications policy. As policymakers turn their attention to digital equity, they can build upon community-driven digital equity initiatives that have been developed in the past decade. These initiatives offer the cornerstone of a Digital […]
The Fact-Finding Listening Conferences explored the convergence of technology with healthcare to optimize Telehealth to ensure quality care for medically-disadvantaged residents and to improve overall population health. The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) co-sponsored the Fact-Finding Listening Conferences with Partners in Care Foundation (PICF), CENIC […]
Ten years ago, the National Broadband Plan observed that as “more aspects of daily life move online and offline alternatives disappear, the range of choices available to people without broadband narrows. Digital exclusion compounds inequities for historically marginalized groups.” In light of these trends, that […]
Abstract—This chapter analyzes the link between the digital divide, infrastructure regulation, and disaster planning and relief through a case study of the flood in San Jose, California triggered by the Anderson dam’s overtopping in February 2017 and examination of communications failures during the 2018 wildfire […]
The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) developed and launched Neighborhood Transformation Initiatives in pacesetter communities to align County, City, and School resources to support community leaders and to achieve better outcomes for students and their families, and join forces to tackle poverty. CETF funded the […]
As part of the Connected Communities and Inclusive Growth (CCIG), a new study examines how far is CA from the goal of making 100Mbps broadband available to all as laid out by Governor Gavin Newsom in August 2020. The study also discusses the broadband proposals (AB-14 and […]
This Plan focuses on achieving three long-term goals: All Californians have high-performance broadband available at home, schools, libraries, and businesses; All Californians have access to affordable broadband and the devices necessary to access the internet; and All Californians can access training and support to enable […]
Foreword Broadband has quickly emerged as the most transformative technology of our generation—delivering opportunities and strengthening communities. As broadband’s capability to change lives and society has grown, so too has it become the driving mission of the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society. To further […]