
What’s New in Digital Equity: California Enacts Digital Equity Bill of Rights

Source: Industry Insider - GovTech

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed several pieces of legislation this week related to digital equity.

First, he signed AB 414, known as the Digital Equity Bill of Rights. The legislation prohibits fixed and mobile Internet service providers from offering services other than broadband Internet access delivered over the same last-mile connection as the broadband Internet access service.

The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF), which sponsored the Digital Equity Bill of Rights, celebrated this legislative milestone, stating that the bill creates a framework of commitment to digital equity for all Californians.

“This landmark legislation assures all Californians that the vision and intent of the bill is fulfilled so everyone can have digital access that provides educational, economic, public safety and democratic benefits for all California residents,” said Sunne Wright McPeak, CETF president and CEO in a press release.

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